Monday, June 6, 2011

Website URL Change?

I currently have a blog running on the system, and have a question about the URL. Currently, my URL is something obscure, but it's my username for most things. MY site is . And I got to thinking, if people would want to return to my site, they would have no idea how to spell the URL. So I have decided to change it to something like the name of my blog (which I should have done in the first place). Now here is my question. I have submitted my blog to various search engines (Google, etc.) and other Blog directories, would I have to resubmit it to all of them again? and would I lose [my very low but personally satisfying amount of] traffic because of the URL change in which it would take time to reappear on all of the directories? Hopefully this makes sense.Website URL Change?
Yes, you would have to resubmit all of the meta tags, search engine submissions, just make users redirected to your new blog site and tell them what happened and tell them to type in that url from now on and you should be fine. I know getting all the search engine submissions may be a bit of a problem but try copying the meta tags if you manually wrote the HTML code yourself, or just resubmit them.

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